Sunday, March 27, 2011


Funny how you stop sleeping when you have a child who has ADHD or what ever disorder it is this week. If my son doesn't take his nighttime medication, then he doesn't sleep. Now most parents would be of hes old enough let him go. But you can't do that when you have these children. Nope, cause what if at 4 am they decide they want a candy bar and there are none in the house.

Exactly, he is going to go get one, and if the police don't catch him and bring him home for a curfew violation, then you have him calling because he has realized its dark and might be dangerous getting home

I vaguely remember sleep without medication, now its been so long, if I don't take the magic white pill, I don't get to go to sleep what a joy. Think I need another boy

All funning aside, its hard and what I have learned as he has gotten older is its his responsibilty. If he fails, he must pay the piper, and that is a hard thing for us parents to do. We have spent so many years fighting for them, how do we let them go.

Lay down in your bed, close your eyes, say your prayers, and just let go